The Inner Asylum Kitchen -- A Spenser-spork production since 2002

The Inner Ayslum logo, created by N.S. Bowman, 2002

Welcome to the Inner Asylum Kitchen, a sanctuary for the taste buds. The residents and I have been collecting and creating tasty recipies for several years now and finally decided to open the kitchen to visitors


The kitchen is a place to gather with friend and enjoy good times and good food. It is also a time to breathe life into yourself and your nourish your body and soul.
Sorry, but at the moment, we don't have our recipe box available for viewing. :(

Inner Asylum Index

Belfry | Art Gallery | Zoo | Kitchen | Library | Oracle | Ballroom | Belfry | Art Gallery | Classroom | Relaxation Room | Office |

(c) 1998-2002, Nicole S. Bowman, all rights reserved.

All graphics, text, coding, etc. are original unless otherwise noted. We ask that all people that wish to use our original graphics please ask for permission. If you find any graphics that are yours and are not credited, please let us know so we can promptly remove them.Thank you. --