The Inner Asylum Office -- A Spenser-spork production since 1998

The Inner Ayslum logo, created by N.S. Bowman, 2002

Welcome to the Inner Asylum Office, where you can learn all about the Inner Asylum's webmistress, Nicole S. Bowman, and her little friends, Spenser-spork and Daisy.

It's me!   

Hmm. What to say. I'm a girl. *duh* I live in West Virginia at the moment, but have lived in New York, Texas, Virginia, North Carolina and Ohio, during various phases of my life. To best know me, read Thoughts of the Moment, the online journal. But I must warn you, you'll probably be more confused as to who I am after you read some of it. *lol*

I was born a month before the United States 200th birthday. I moved around a lot as a kid. I'm tall, brunette, nerdy, evil, faithful, loyal -- very Gemini, very Spock-like at times.

I'd like to become a Renaissance woman, but I don't think there is much demand for them in society, so I'm working on creating a niche market. *lol*
The diary has more details as to my thoughts and everything. Please sign my guestbook if you want to comment on the Inner Asylum or anything on general. Have a good day!! :)

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This is the best picture, I think I've ever take for a newspaper. It is of Harlei Parker, a cancer patient. I don't know if it will run, but I'm putting here just in case. :)

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(c) 1998-2002, Nicole S. Bowman, all rights reserved.

All graphics, text, coding, etc. are original unless otherwise noted. We ask that all people that wish to use our original graphics please ask for permission. If you find any graphics that are yours and are not credited, please let us know so we can promptly remove them.Thank you. --