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Welcome to Sporky's photo page. Spenser, the dachshund behind the Internet's Spenser-Spork and Sporky, is the "grumpy old man" of the house. He was born in July 14, 1997 and is a red dachshund. He doesn't know why they call him a red dog, since he's really brown. :)

Sporky enjoys playing ball, sleeping and barking at anything that moves. Prior to becoming one with the Internet, Spenser was part of the flea market scene for a while. He was adopted by two college students and has been with them ever since.

He has learned how to walk home by himself. He has survived several moves and living with Daisy, our beagle/basset mix. He tends to mark anyone who comes to the house, especially women. Spenser has had several girlfriends, but has been celibate since his "operation."

To view Sporky's pictures full size, click on the thumbnails or their captions. That will bring you to the full photograph.

Sporky plays with a chewie.

What do you want?

Sporky with a chewie.

What do you want?

Chewie part II

The model of the year.

Chewie part II

The model of the year.

Daisy's page

Sporky's page

The Inner Asylum

The Mound